
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sorry for the delay

Guess it has been awhile since I have written...I won't take such a pause in the future, promise!

This has been a rather quiet month...lots of resumes e-mailed out, not much response.  Many books read.  Many online debates.  A graduation party, seeing family I hadn't seen in years and years (I won't let that much time pass again).  Too many sweet treats enjoyed--ok, maybe it isn't possible to eat too many sweet treats.

June coming up.  And it's still raining in San Francisco, with more rain forecast for the weekend.  I don't remember the rain lasting this late into spring since I arrived in the city fifteen years ago.  Cold, yes.  Last summer was memorably chilly all summer long.  But rain?  In June?  Is this the East or West coast?  Not that I mind so much, if it is going to be gray, it may as well rain.

So that's where I've been this about you?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Art Break

In San Francisco, we are fortunate.  Not only do we have amazing museums, but many of the museums have one day a month with free admission.  Because I've been working hard on my job hunt, I decided to take a quick break and visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SF MOMA).

The following are some of the highlights of my visit, I've taken photos of the information and the artwork, enjoy!

 Mondrian--the one I'd be eating soon...and not be tossed out of the museum for so doing!

 Pollack, me like!

Warhol, no information card needed!

 Jasper Johns

 Who knew that a recycling pile = art?


 Just because it was pretty much a black canvas.

 Another Warhol

 Sweets from the Rooftop Cafe
 Even the cappuccino is art!
 Yum!  Tasty and pretty.

 Calder...taken to commemorate the time at Butterfields when the telephone bidder I was helping set a world record price on a Calder, not this one though.  Ah, the olde days!
Funny map of my fair city that I found in the Museum Store.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Where Were You When You Heard the News?

It seems that we are at a historic moment.  Osama bin Laden's death announcement.

I was in my big chair, settling in to watch Law & Order Los Angeles, TIVO'ed earlier this week when my dad called to tell me to turn on MSNBC.

He said it was some announcement about bin Laden.

I am now watching the reaction from Facebook friends and Newsvine, waiting for the President to speak.

Big night.  Big night indeed.

Where were you when you heard?